Kaimosi Special School-Integrating People Living with Special Needs in the Community through Education and Skills acquisition.


  • Assist in preparation, serving and feeding of the disabled persons
  • Engage in farm work activities within the institution to promote food security
  • Assist in training of various vocational skills such as weaving and tailoring
  • Assist in the special persons in activities of daily living such as mobility, bathing, dressing etc
  • Assist in physiotherapy sessions and aslo organizing and engaging them in extra-curricular activirie.


Kaimosi Special School is a community institution that promotes the social integration of disabled people by empowering them with special education and various skills that might enable them to be self-dependent for economic stability. The institution also offers special care to persons with mild and acute disorders such as cerebral palsy, autism, down syndrome, epilepsy, mental disorders, and multiple handicapped.
This is a unique project that offers you an opportunity to connect, learn, have a mutual understanding, and interact with special persons.

Important Information

The institution accommodates approximately 150 persons with various disabilities. It is located in the Western part of Kenya. It is in dire need of professional physiotherapists and personnel for special care services. However, you do not need special skills or qualifications for other activities to volunteer for this project.

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