Mozambique Sports Coaching Volunteer


  • Coach the children and youth in sports and provide a direction in their lives
  • Enjoy the tropical beaches and scenic beauty of Mozambique
  • Motivate the students to do better and provide them with hope
  • Gain a hands-on experience with sports coaching


Explore the breathtaking beaches lining the beautiful Vilankulos, perfect for beach soccer, sunbathing, snorkeling, and ocean exploring. With Sports Volunteer Southern Africa, you will enjoy all the wonders of a tropical setting while sharing your passion for athletics. There are four schools in Vilankulos, and Rocky coaches the children of all these in soccer, handball, basketball, hockey, and more. Your sports knowledge would be an invaluable addition to their athletic education. Stay on the beach and share your skills and team knowledge with the local youth, exploring the community in your spare time.

As a volunteer with Sports Volunteer Southern Africa, you will spend your days working with various teams in Vilankulo. Morning and afternoon sports sessions will take place daily, with a break during the middle of the day. You will be able to provide skill building and technique training sessions, as well as games. The minimum length of stay for volunteers is two weeks, as this allows time to get to know the students you are coaching as well as to adapt to life in Mozambique. Being on a sports team isn’t a requirement, but it does make it easier to train with the local kids here. Volunteers must be positive and ready to experience a taste of life in Vilankulo.

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