Vietnam Long and Middle Term Volunteering (LMTV)
- Make a lasting impact in the local communities
- Give back to the world and share your passion
- Experience the Vietnamese culture and work alongside locals
- A rewarding experience that will leave you with unforgettable memories
LMTV stands for Long Middle-Term Volunteer and is used by SJ Vietnam to refer to all volunteers committing to a project for more than one month. You’ll find all the LMTV opportunities below. The LMTV role is intended for people who already have some experiences in the voluntary field. In addition, as projects run for several months, committing to being an LMTV is not the same as being on holiday.
Leaving one’s matters here and starting something “there”, in a place which is far away from our friends, familiar places, culture and comfortable life is a serious decision. A long-term volunteer is a person who individually and actively takes part in a project lasting from 1 to 12 months. Volunteers are expected to have a very high motivation and a certain amount of “life experience”, meaning that s/he can look after themselves, work independently and be able to deal with any problems that might occur during the time the volunteer is abroad.
The applicant should be open-minded towards the project and motivated to carry out the work of the project. The vast majority of our volunteers are committed to working for the common goals of the project. If a volunteer has some workcamp experience, then s/he has met with an international group of people, lived in basic living conditions and knows what to expect from a project’s living and working conditions. This can be important as LMTV work can demand a lot of initiative and independence.