Cuba Solidarity Campaign


United Kingdom

We are a British organisation that campaigns against the inhumane and illegal 57 year old blockade of Cuba, for an end to the US occupation of Cuban land at Guantanamo Bay, and to defend the Cuban people’s right to be free from foreign intervention.

The Cuba Solidarity Campaign is broad based and has more than 5,000 members, affiliated organisations and local groups. Together we lobby MPs and government, organise solidarity brigades specialist tours and exchanges, and work to build links and better understanding between Britain and Cuba. Our supporters include members of the public, trade unions, MPs, community, legal, cultural and educational groups.

Activities range from high profile campaigns and lobbying, speaking tours, public meetings, cultural events and festivals celebrating the island’s rich cultural heritage, specialist tours, online sales of Cuba related goods and resources, and media work and publications which reflect an insight in to the reality of the situation on the island, rarely reported in the western media

We also fundraise for finances and material aid to support the Cuban people against the effects of the blockade and for hurricane relief work. CSC is a non-party political NGO which relies on subscriptions and fundraising to carry out our work to defend Cuba.


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1 Cuba Solidarity Campaign Programs

Cuba Solidarity Brigade Volunteer Program
Age Range
18 + Years
Project Types:
Community Development, Conflict Resolution, Human Rights, Others
Cuba Solidarity Campaign